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Illinois Teen Reader's Choice
Lincoln Awards 

The Lincoln Award is given to the book from that year’s master list that earns the highest number of student votes.


For a book to reach the master list, adult and young adult fiction and nonfiction titles must be nominated by teachers or librarians and vetted by the nominations committee. While the popularity of a particular title is important, the overall quality of the work is of primary importance. Each year, a panel of high school librarians, teachers, public librarians and students determines the final master list of twenty titles.

You_d Be Home Now.jpg

Winner 2024

Prizes for 2024-2025

Anyone who reads at least one book from the Lincoln Award List is awarded a prize.

When you complete one of the books, let the librarian know and answer a few questions to confirm the book was read.  

Image by Denny Müller

Candy of Choice

Read 1 book on the Lincoln Awards list and receive the candy of your choice.

Reading Books Makes You Better

Book of Choice

When you read 10+ books the library will provide you with the book of your choice.

Chocolate Vanilla Donuts

$5 Dunkin Gift card

When you read two books you can receive a Dunkin' gift card.


You will also be able to attend the voting pizza party in February. 

Image by Geonhui Lee

$25 McDonalds Gift Card

If you read ALL the books on the list then you will receive a McDonald's gift card.

Image by Gema Saputera

Starbucks Gift Card

After reading 5 books you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card. 

Image by Giorgio Trovato

Class Champions

The English class who has the most cumulative books read will be able to attend the pizza party (and basically have bragging rights.)


  • Students must read books from the 2025 Master List, which can be found in the library or on the link above. 

  • Books must be completed by February 2 

  • Students must answer a few questions or write a review of the book they read in order to receive credit. 

  • Audio books can also be used.

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